We remember today the genocide carried out on 3.5 million of my Igbo brethren and sisthren during the 1967-1970 Nigerian/Biafran Civil War..The same reasons why the Igbos defended themselves against Nigerians are the same problems the country is still facing till date..
To the Anioma-Igbos who keep denying they are not Igbos, remember today, that it was a coup masterminded by Kaduna Nzeogwu(An Anioma-Igbo man) that made other tribes in Nigeria till date continue to despise and marginalize the Igbos. It was the hot headedness of an Anioma man that caused the annihilation of 3.5 million innocent souls..
yet the Igbos took and continue to take the brunt but never mentioned he was from Anioma...Ndi Anioma, you are pure Igbo like me, and whenever you deny you aren't Igbo because of eye service to the Fulanis, remember the death of millions of Igbos your fellow Anioma man caused..may you never have the mouth to deceive your children that they aren't Igbos
And to the other tribes in Nigeria, if you have directly or indirectly despised, maltreated, ostracized, and spoken against the Igbos, you're a fucking racist! Yes i said what i said. You're no different from racist white cops who murder innocent blacks in America..
This shithole country Nigeria needs to be restructured, True Federalism which is being practiced in sane democratic climes all over the world is the first solution to this zoo called Nigeria. This is what Ojukwu and the Igbos asked for, nothing else..this is actually what led to the war..Now other tribes are clamouring for the same Restructuring and True Federalism that the Igbos demanded over 50 years ago. Doesnt this reveal that of all the tribes in this country, the Igbos have the keenest of insight and foresight? No wonder they built their own war planes, ships, telecommunications and refined petroleum without foreign aids during the three year blockade of the war.
May we never experience war again..and may Chukwu Okike Yahweh The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah paralyze every evil plot of blood sucking demons and principalities causing bloodshed in this nation
For the lost souls...rest in peace, and reincarnate to this world when it becomes a better place..
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